Buy a critical illness cover to fight the evil COVID-19 spread

Naresh Rathore
3 min readApr 29, 2020


A good insurance cover

The medical insurance companies are offering one of the superior and thus best medical insurance in India. While the world is stuck in lockdown and socio-political maneuvers are on the rise during such a dangerous spread of the coronavirus, it is quite logical to seek the protection of our health.

Economies in a nightmare

Political parties and nations seem to be near war, with several claiming war damages from China! Who was first to detect the South Asian Respiratory Syndrome 2 or COVID-19? The entire science fiction angle to such a horror being played out is bound to bring anger and frustration to the business class who is losing money rapidly. Then there are the employees of the SME sector that wager their safety nets of employee insurances and safety net salary cuts to work in the frontlines of Indian enterprise. The economy is swinging to bad times rapidly. So much money is lost.

Health comes first

This is an excellent time to remember that health is wealth, much clichéd though it may be. To find groceries and then sit at home and work is not enough. A good insurance cover that scopes into only specific effects of this biological malaise is essential. Diseases like these, although finding less mortality in India — are especially dangerous for the older of the family — who may contract it suddenly and require immediate and, more importantly, quality medical attention in a quarantine zone.

Superior medical insurance

The critical illness cover provides access to so 6500+ hospitals, with many exclusive hospitals of the franchise. The medical attention is strong and unique and will help give assurance to the rest of the family of near-total complete care to any unforeseen situation.

The correct choices

While living in fear or excessive adrenaline by seeking too much planning for an event that may never happen is impractical and wrong. Preventive actions that guarantee cover is a good idea. The best medical insurance in India and the strong critical illness cover are being provided by the policies.

Healthcare industry in a test

The entire atmosphere while being full of caution in all sectors- with many communities throughout India seeking to put a brave face by stoning the medical staff that comes to their area! It is highly important to seek the proper road to information and health in case things go wrong.

Constructive steps

Best being by taking proper medical insurance made especially for this virus and covering all the dear ones with it. Next, sit at home and work from there if possible. After that, to avoid social contact and spread of any rumors or hate against anyone through chats or media. It is important to develop an aware outlook seeking all information from government outlets being broadcast, and keeping all dear ones in the knowledge loop is an excellent plan to start.

